Honey Bee Life Skills Lessons

Jr. Beekeeper

Honey Bee Life Skills Lessons

Grades K-4

Using group team building and individual activities based on honey bee hive dynamics, this program reinforces concepts of cooperation and evolution with educational activities that use the charasimatic honey bee to emphasize Communication and  Division of Labor.

  • Cooperation & Communication – Listen, Learn, Share, Survive

    1. What’s That Smell?

      Teaches non-verbal communication using scent based on honey bee pheromones.

    2. Dinner Dance 

      Teaches communication through physical expression exploring the use of the honey bee waggle dance to share  information with the honey bee colony.

    3. Moving Day Madness

      Teaches communication as an important factor in finding a new home by exploring honey bee swarming.

  • Cooperation & Work – Divide & Conquer from Feeding to Cleaning

  1. Now Hiring!

    Teaches the importance of maintaining diversity of jobs and skills among the honey bee workers as they age to keep the hive alive.

  2. Labor of Lunch

    Teaches cooperation to enhance individual skills that combine to help the group survive by exploring how honey bees divide their workforce based on their skills at gathering certain types of resources – pollen, nectar, and water.

  3. Clean Your Hive to Stay Alive

    Teaches working cooperatively to keep a clean living and working environment by exploring the healthy hygiene habits of honey bees.

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